You will find the market at the Market Place, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5AZ. Parking can be found at Great Ostry, Commerical Road or Townsend Shopping Park.
For further information, please get in touch with us at or call us on 07751 950499.
Find us on Instagram as @SheptonMalletSundayMarket and Facebook here.
The Market Team
Shepton Mallet Sunday Market is produced by Black Sheep Events CIC: a new team of Shepton residents. We are a not-for-profit company; staffed by volunteers, with the aim of working together to regenerate our town.

Charlie Bolderow – Market Manager
Charlie is a Somerset gal through and through! Growing up in Frome, she played a considerable role in developing the town’s reputation as a hub for creative industries. Managing the Artisan Market (now The Frome Independent), the Griffin pub and Black Swan Arts, and with a background in digital marketing, photography and event production, Charlie is passionate about helping local businesses flourish. She’s excited at the new venture that is Shepton Mallet Sunday Market and can’t wait to put Shepton back on the map.
Amber & Ross Smithwick – Trader Selection
Amber & Ross moved to Shepton Mallet around 3 years ago and fell in love with the town. They felt the unmatched community spirit, with so many like-minded individuals trying to make a positive impact. That’s how they connected with all the amazing people on this page; neighbours, fellow business owners – friends. They opened their restaurant Aurora Kusina a year later, which has been a real success. Shepton is the place to be!
Claire Goodman
Claire grew up in the West Country and has lived in Shepton Mallet for the last 10 years. Previously working a 9-5, she now runs Lethal Postmen, vintage clothing shop on Town Street, which she opened 6 years ago. She has also volunteered for various local charities. Claire loves the creativity, diversity and welcoming atmosphere in Shepton and wants the market to help others to discover this too!
Katie Barton
Katie used to sell antiques at local markets and fairs across the Southwest, before moving to Shepton to start a family. Being a local resident, Katie has a keen interest in the development and revival of the Shepton Markets and wants to help increase attendance of Shepton Mallet events. Having previous experience in market trading gives Katie an understanding of what it takes for a market to be successful from both the trader and public perspective.
Tristan Blacker – Market Co-ordinator
Tristan moved to Shepton mallet 3 years ago to open the antique and jewellery shop ‘14 Town Street’, after running an online jewellery business for the previous 12 years. Since moving to Shepton Mallet he has been involved with numerous initiatives within the town. As a resident Tristan is invested in improving Shepton mallet as both a market town and retail destination.
Martin Berkeley – Safety Manager
Martin runs Pilton Cider at the Anglo Trading Estate and has lived near Shepton Mallet for 25 years, moving into town three years ago. He is involved in numerous local events and is an active Town Councilor, with regeneration of the town centre a top priority.